Your SMR checklist


  1. Use our website at to filter and research the companies and roles on offer — and build your “Starred” reminder shortlist to check in with on the day.
  2. Watch some #TeamVideos — 90-second videos from the company team telling you what they’re looking for. You can find them as they come in on our company pages.
  3. Make sure you’re happy with the professional ‘profile’ that you’re presenting on the web across LinkedIn, Twitter, Github, Stack Overflow, Bitbucket, Dribbble, Behance, deviantART, any personal websites or blogs, etc.
  4. Bring business cards and print 20 copies of your CV to give to the companies you have good conversations with — they need to know who to follow up with!
  5. Have your 30-second “elevator pitch” ready: how can you quickly present yourself and what you’re looking for in your next career move?
  6. Have a bloomin’ good breakfast on the day. We recommend shreddies.


  1. Rock up on the day unprepared! The companies love people who are clearly working their way through a shortlist, have researched them beforehand, and are ready for a deeper conversation about their product/tech/roles on offer.
  2. Just walk up to a stand and drop your CV or business card off without chatting to someone at the stand.

The companies at Silicon Milkroundabout are looking for individuals to join their teams who can JFDI (Just Do It). So come prepared this weekend and get ready to dazzle!

Last modified on January 7th, 2020